Hollow Bushing Insulator

Porcelain Bushing Insulators:

Assembly: Only bushings or assembled with other parts

Usage: Outdoor apparatus or through the wall

Color: Brown,grey,white

Type: For transformer, switchgear, capacitor...


Porcelain bushing insulators have the hollow core, which are used on outdoor transformers or through the walls. They provide insulation and support, such as GIS outlet porcelain bushings and transformer through-wall hollow bushings, etc.

Porcelain bushing types: divided insulator bushings, apparatus bushing, transformer bushing, switchgear bushing, circuit-breaker bushing, capacitor bushing, ourdoor and indoor wall bushing...

Standard: DIN42530, DIN42531, DIN42532, DIN42533, IEC 60383


Important parameter: (if you want to enquire, the following must be provided)

Height Inner Hole Diameter Wall Depth Creepage Distance Other Dimensions Critical

If you provide code number, then only the code number is ok.

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