Pin Insulator

Composite Pin Insulators:

Voltage: 11kv-36kv

Fitting: Tie tip fitting and cap base fittings

Material: HTV silicone rubber, fiber glass core rod

Type: Steel, HDPE or nylon head, silicone rubber covered head


In distribution lines, composite tie top line post insulators are the same as composite pin type insulators. The base fitting is the cap which assemble with the crossarm by steel studs. The head fitting can be steel type, or HDPE type, nylon type or silicone rubber covered types.

Composite line post insulators with clamps can hold the conductors directly, which can be mounted vertically or horizontally. The clamps can be steel or aluminum alloy materials. The base fitting can be caps or gain fittings.

Rated Voltage: 10kv to 132kv Top Fitting: Vertical or horizontal clamptop or blade style end fitting Base Fitting: Detachable gain base uesed on round poles or detachable flat base or cap base Standard: ANSI C29.11, ANSI C29.17, ANSI C29.18, IEC 61952, IEC62217


Important parameter: (if you want to enquire, the following must be provided)

Section Length If Have Neck Diameter If Tie Top Line Post Creepage Distance Dry Acring Distance Cantilever Strength Which Decide The Fiber Glass Core Size End Fitting Type

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